Coach Certification Process
This LINK will take your Coaches directly to the Alberta Soccer Site to sign up for their courses. Coaches may begin immediately taking their on-line portion of their courses. The on-field portion will be scheduled as soon as dates are available.Coaches will be required to pay up front for these Courses -
please submit your receipt to your Home Club for reimbursement
Coaching Soccer in Canada 2hrs - (All Ages) $20.00
Active Start 1.5 hrs - (4 to 6 years) $20.00
Fundamentals 1 hr- (6 to 9 Years) $20.00
Learning to Train 1.5 hrs - (9 to 12 years) $30.00
Soccer For Life 2 hrs - (13 years Plus) $30.00
CASA will be setting up practical On field Courses for Coaches
Alberta Soccer Coach Certification Course Registration Link
Further Coach Training
Making Ethical Decisions Link
Respect in Sport for Activity Leaders
Further Coach Training
Here is the link to the CASA page to get Registered: