Camrose And District Soccer Association
Policy overview and purpose
Social media is changing the way we communicate as a community and organization.
This policy has been developed to inform our organization members about using social media so people feel enabled to participate, while being mindful of their responsibilities and obligations. This policy provides guidelines on how to appropriately use social media as a board member, parent,player and team personnel.
This policy contains Camrose and District Soccer Association guidelines for the Camrose and District Soccer Association community to engage in social media use. It also includes details of breaches of the policy.
February 22 2024
Executive Board Members and The Social Media Coordinator are responsible for all matters related to this policy.
This policy applies to all persons who are involved with the activities of Camrose And District Soccer Association , whether they are in a paid or unpaid/voluntary capacity and including:
Social media refers to any online tools or functions that allow people to communicate and/or share content via the internet.
This social media policy applies to platforms including, but not limited to:
Social networking sites (e.g. Facebook, Instagram etc)
Video and photo sharing websites or apps (e.g. YouTube, Instagram etc.)
This policy is applicable when using social media as: an officially designated individual representing Camrose And District Soccer Association on social media; and if you are posting content on social media in relation to Camrose And District Soccer Association that might affect Camrose And District Soccer Association’s reputation, events, sponsors and members.
Using social media in an official capacity
You must be authorized by CDSA before engaging in social media as a representative of CDSA.
You must adhere to the following guidelines when using social media related to Camrose And District Soccer Association or its teams, participants, services, events, sponsors, members or reputation.
Use common sense
Whenever you are unsure as to whether or not the content or comment you wish to share is appropriate, seek advice from others before doing so or refrain from sharing the content or comment to be on the safe side.
Your honesty or dishonesty may be quickly noticed in the social media environment. Do not say anything that is dishonest, untrue or misleading. If you are unsure, check the source and the facts before uploading or posting or commenting anything. Camrose And District Soccer Association recommends erring on the side of caution - if in doubt, do not post or upload.
If you speak about others, make sure what you say is based on fact and does not discredit or belittle that party.
Respect confidentiality and sensitivity
When using social media, you must maintain the privacy of Camrose And District Soccer Association’s confidential information. This includes information that is not publically accessible, widely known, or not expected to be shared outside of Camrose And District Soccer Association.
Remember, if you are online, you are on the record—much of the content posted online is public and searchable.
It is perfectly acceptable to talk about Camrose And District Soccer Association and have a dialogue with the community, but it is not okay to publish confidential information of Camrose And District Soccer Association. Confidential information includes things such as details about litigation, unreleased product information and unpublished details about our teams, coaching practices, financial information.
When using social media you should be considerate to others and should not post information when you have been asked not to, or where consent has not been sought and given. You must also remove information about another person if that person asks you to do so.
Gaining permission when publishing a person’s identifiable image
You must obtain express permission from an individual to use a direct, clearly identifiable image of that person. All players are asked to sign a photo release consent form at registration, those who do not consent must not be published on any social media platforms.
You should also refrain from posting any information or photos of a sensitive nature. This could include accidents, incidents or controversial behaviour.
Discrimination, sexual harassment and bullying
The public in general, and Camrose And District Soccer Association’s members, reflect a diverse set of customs, values and points of view. You must not post any material that is offensive, harassing, discriminatory, embarrassing, intimidating, sexually explicit, bullying, hateful, racist, sexist or otherwise inappropriate.
When using social media you may also be bound by Camrose And District Soccer Association’s values and Diversity,Equity And Inclusion Policy.
Dealing with mistakes
If Camrose And District Soccer Association makes an error while posting on social media, be up front about the mistake and address it quickly. If you choose to modify an earlier post, make it clear that you have done so. If someone accuses CDSA of posting something improper (such as their copyrighted material or a defamatory comment about them), address it promptly and appropriately and if necessary, seek legal advice.
Policy breaches
Breaches of this policy include but are not limited to:
Using Camrose And District Soccer Association’s name and or logo in a way that would result in a negative impact for the organization and/or its members.
Posting,commenting or sharing any content that is abusive, harassing, threatening, demeaning or defamatory.
Posting,commenting or sharing any content that includes insulting, obscene, offensive, provocative or hateful language.
Posting,commenting or sharing any content in breach of Camrose And District Soccer Association’s Diversity,Equity and Inclusion Policy.
Posting or sharing material that brings, or risks bringing Camrose And District Soccer Association , its affiliates, its sport, its officials, members or sponsors into disrepute. In this context, bringing a person or organization into disrepute is to lower the reputation of that person or organization in the eyes of the ordinary members of the public.
Reporting a breach
If you notice inappropriate or unlawful content online relating to Camrose And District Soccer Association or any of its members, or content that may otherwise have been published in breach of this policy, you should report the circumstances immediately to CDSA’s executive board members ( president, vice president, etc.)
Alleged breaches of this social media policy may be investigated by Camrose And District Soccer Association. If alleged breaches pertain to a specific CDSA board member , direct your complaint to any other board member.
Where it is considered necessary, Camrose And District Soccer Association may report a breach of this social media policy to police.
Disciplinary process, consequences and appeals
Depending on the circumstances breaches of this policy may be dealt with in accordance with the disciplinary procedure:
Volunteers and employees of Camrose And District Soccer Association who breach this policy may face disciplinary action up to and including termination of position or employment.
Any person who is sanctioned under a disciplinary process for breach of this policy may have a right of appeal .
Consequences Of Policy Breach
Any person who violates any sections of the Social Media Policy will face losing access to any CDSA Social Media accounts and/or the right to post on CDSA Social Media Accounts.